We can preserve our country.
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.“ - Benjamin Franklin

The Truth Always Wins
Luke 12:2-3
Sign up!
Today courage is needed and it begins with you! Truth matters. In a world engulfed by open deception, you know it is The Truth that sets and keeps us free! Your convictions and Your vote matter! As a freedom loving patriotic American, who loves God, family and our great country, take your stand for truth NOW! Help preserve our constitution and secure the integrity of our free and fair election system. Sign up now to be counted. Your courageous voice needs to be heard from your State Capitol to our Nations capital in Washington, DC. Together in Truth we stand strong!
Our Organization
We are proud Americans who love God, family and our great nation. We are patriots just like you who recognize how God has blessed this great nation for His purposes. As you, we are everyday praying, hard working and law abiding citizens who want to make our community, our state and our country great again! We are living in the most critical hours of our time knowing The Truth Always Wins! Our mission is to advocate for you to make your voice heard in a time where Big Tech wants to take your freedom of speech away, and to make your vote in the 2020 election count when it has been stolen from you! Our commitment is to take your voice to Washington DC and all the way to the Supreme Court for Truth and Justice to prevail. Take action now that our President, Donald J. Trump remains in the White House as our great defender of truth and freedom to Keep America Great!
Take Action
Join and contribute to The Truth Always Wins movement! By signing up and subscribing, you will be taking a stand with millions of other passionate freedom loving patriots across our Republic to demand Truth in our government and the preservation of our Constitution.
It is us, WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, who self govern to form a make America great, establish Justice upon the foundation of Truth, insure peace, safety, prosperity and secure the blessings of our Liberty
Today, at this very moment, it is absolutely crucial that we as everyday American citizens, who cherish our right to vote in free and fair elections, stand strongly together to demand Truth to prevail in our 2020 Election. If we fail to act, our country falls with a dark future. If We the People stand together with courage, our country stands with a bright future!